• 아이피샵
select * ,(saleCnt/stock *100) as per ,if(p_status in ('release','complete') or (stock - saleCnt) < 1 or p_sale = 'N' , 1, 0) as sale_order ,(select count(*) as cnt from odtOrderApply as ap where ap.ap_pcode = p.code and ap.ap_mid = '' and ap.ap_delete = 'N') as is_apply from odtProduct as p where p_view='Y' and ( select count(*) from odtCategory as c left join odtCategory as c1 on (c.parent_catecode = c1.catecode) where 1 and c.catecode = p.p_category and find_in_set('2', c.parent_catecode)>0 ) > 0 and ( select count(*) from odtCategory as c left join odtCategory as c1 on (c.parent_catecode = c1.catecode) where 1 and c.catecode = p.p_category and (c.cHidden = 'yes' or c1.cHidden = 'yes') ) < 1 order by sale_order asc, per%20desc, pro_idx asc limit 40, 20
Unknown column '20desc' in 'order clause'